The Benefits of Bach Flower Remedies

I’ve heard the buzz about Rescue Remedy from anxiety-ridden friends and I’ve seen Dr. Bach’s pretty little apothecary at FoodWorks but never bothered to follow up on what exactly these supposedly magical tinctures were all about. I’ve long been a fan of aromatherapy and while it seems everyone (at least on my social media feed) has finally discovered the effects of some high-grade lavender and peppermint oil, these flower essences are something entirely different.
I scheduled a 20-minute phone consultation with Debi Testa, a professional on the subject. She’s one of three Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners on the International Registry in CT. She explained to me that Flower Remedies are rapidly gaining popularity in the USA as natural stress relievers. This system of 38 Flower Remedies dates back to the 1920’s. Dr. Edward Bach was a British physician who’s philosophy was to “treat the person, not the disease” with various healing plants.
I was prepared to lay out some basic ailments like trouble sleeping or general exhaustion from well, life, and hoping Debi would have the magic potion to turn things around for me. After a series of questions on what was going on in my life, I felt comfortable and happy to divulge. Debi carefully crafted a selection of flower essences (Crab Apple, Walnut, Star of Bethlehem to name a few) blended with spring water and sent my amber bottle straight to my door with specific instructions (drops in my water several times per day).
The effects have been noticeable these past few weeks. Things have shifted for me and I’ve followed through on some stuff that had been stagnant for a while. I feel a lot less negative and more capable of making decisions. Could it be the Bach’s? I can’t guarantee that but I can say it certainly hasn’t hurt. And quite frankly, I felt better after just having chatted on the phone with Debi.
See Debi Testa in person for a free 30 minute consultation at FoodWorks on May 6. She will be recommending one single remedy, to address core issues, which can be purchased at FoodWorks. Appointments are needed.
$60 for a 45-60 minute phone or virtual (Google Hangout) consultation, including remedy and one follow-up call, 15-20 minutes. She offers 6 week and 3-month packages for those looking to dive deeper. Email Debi here.
By Laura Williams