Beer’d Brewing Company, Stonington

Nestled into the Velvet Mill in Stonington, the tiny Beer’d Brewing Company waits. There’s a lot packed into the small, one room space, which features both the entire production floor as well as taproom. The brewing system resides almost out of sight in the back, while the tasting bar, front and center, reminds you why you’ve come here: to drink some handcrafted beer.
The size of the brewhouse at Beer’d allows for constant experimentation; the list of available beer is ever changing. There is no discernible “flagship” beer: fan-favorites exist, but there is no guarantee that what is on tap one week may be available the next week (or even day!). Beer’d doesn’t package their beer, and it is only available on draft in the tasting bar, or in a select few CT restaurants. Nor do they offer food for sale, so bring something to munch on! Or, on some Sundays, a table from the Broad Street Kitchen & Coffee may be set up in the tasting room, offering snacks for sale. Pints at Beer’d start at $5, Howler fills at $5, and Growler fills range from $11 to $17. Jonathan Edwards wine is also available for $8 a glass.