de Gerenday’s, A Visionary Shop in Old Lyme

Calling all artists (and their friends)! There’s a new shop in town that is not to be missed. The Lyme Academy of Fine Arts has reimagined its supply store after ancient French ateliers, replete with vintage floor-to-ceiling wood shelving and cabinets for the highly curated but extensive inventory of paints, inks, canvases, brushes, and vintage art books. It’s Olivander’s Wand Shop meets the 1880’s Maison Sennelier Art Store in Paris. Meaning, whether you’re an artist or not, the merchandising alone makes this a must-see. Taxidermy, antique landscapes, and oddities line the inky walls, while giftable goods like handmade Florentine leather journals and John Derian’s puzzles, fabulous wrapping paper, and more curiosities are stacked in vignettes on antique tables and desks.
Also fascinating is a selection of Italian sculptural rings and necklaces crafted from colorful resin intaglios (so fitting for an art shop). From this artist’s daughter, the only thing missing was the scent of oil paint and turpentine. I could have stayed for hours.
Open to the public: Monday – Friday, 10am to 4pm. Grand Opening during Old Lyme’s Mid-summer Fest on Saturday, July 30th, from 10 – 5pm.
de Gerenday’s is accessible by the South Campus entrance at 84 Lyme Street, Old Lyme.
P.S. From the Academy: The shop’s name honors Laci de Gerenday, the husband of the Academy’s founder, Elisabeth Gordon Chandler, who was himself a successful sculptor and administrator at Lyme Academy.
Online shop coming soon: