Dina Varano Ornaments


My tree holds at least twenty years of hand-picked or gifted ornaments from Dina Varano and this year I’ll happily add a few more. The ornament section is well stocked for the season: felted wool mice, foxes and bandit wolves with remarkable detail, teeny fir trees strapped on vintage cars, and handpainted teepees are only a fraction of the festive selection. $9-$24.

For a thoughtful hostess gift, we love the embroidered linen wine satchels ($40) and cocktail napkins ($72/set of 4) by Brooklyn’s Coral and Tusk. In addition to Dina’s ever-evolving signature jewelry line and featured Talisman collection, there are dozens of drawers of neatly organized accessories (Chan Luu cashmere scarves are a cult favorite) and shelves of well-priced leather bags from Latico, Cut + Paste, and Tanner. The online shop is filled with treasure, too. There’s still plenty of time for shipping!

Visit Dina Varano’s Website

Coral & Tusk Hand Towels and Cocktail Napkins
More Ornaments at Dina Varano
DV Tree
The Tree of Ornaments

More gift ideas at Dina Varano…

One of a Kind Kantha Stitch Blankets
Leather Bags in All Sizes and Styles
Knit Gloves at DV
Texting Gloves