Fall Goings-On at The Florence Griswold Museum

The Florence Griswold Museum was the first place I visited when I moved here 22 years ago, and an afternoon wandering its spacious galleries continues to provide me with a respite from the ills of the world (especially now!).
This year, The Wee Faerie Village is back with Folly Woods: over two dozen faerie-scaled architectural amusements along the Artists’ Trail. The theme is a miniaturized take on ornamental buildings popular on country estates, parks, and gardens in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mark your calendars for October 1st through 31st.
You’ve got a few more days to catch Social & Solitary: Reflections on Art, Isolation, and Renewal, a timely installation of artwork that “offer inspiration to think about both solitude and our social bonds, and to consider how the social and solitary inform artistic practice.”
Next up is Revisiting America: The Prints of Currier and Ives, opening on October 2nd, with a gallery talk by Curator Amy Kurtz Lansing on October 6th to survey the themes of Country Life, Hunting, Politics and History, Sport, and Urbanization through a sampling of prints from the exhibition.
Cafe Flo remains open until October 31st, and may be one of the best river view lunches to enjoy the fall foliage. Read more about Cafe Flo here.
Also on the calendar:
Sundays: Drop-In Hands-On Discovery Sundays: Plein air painting for the whole family.
Thru September 15th: Garden Fundraiser: Annual Flower Bulb Sale. Order online and pick up at the museum in Mid-October.
September 18: Mindfulness Event: Forest Bathing Along the Artists’ Trail.
September 25: Hollywood on Lyme Benefit Auction: cocktails, silent & live auction, dinner, and dancing under the tent.