Farmers’ Markets Pandemic Update

Summer on the Shoreline is all about farm produce, fresh catch, and local meats and cheeses. This year, things are a bit different. Many markets are drive through with advance ordering or have new rules and regulations. We’ve checked in with the markets to see how they are handling COVID-19 restrictions this year. Here’s our list:
(Click the name to visit their site).
Madison Farmers’ Market is moving back to the Madison Green on June 5th with a modified set up. Fridays 3-6
Chester Sunday Market will start off the season as a Drive-Thru Market at Chester Elementary School from 10 – 2 on Sunday, June 14th. Check the website for online ordering and news. We’re hoping it will return downtown this summer when construction is over.
Stonington Village Farmers’ Market will be held in the Parking Lot at the Velvet Mill on Saturdays, 10 -1 pm. Preordering is encouraged.
Lyme Farmers’ Market at Tiffany Farms, reopens this year in the field on June 13th. Saturdays 9:00 – 12:30.
Ivoryton Farmer’s Market: Waiting for an update. Saturdays 10-1:30
City Seed Market, New Haven is pre-order and pick-up only. Check the website for how to order: – Check website for ordering instructions and to reserve a time. This year at Conte West Middle School, 511 Chapel Street.
Niantic Farmers’ Market: Opening day June 18th, 3 -6pm on Methodist Street. Please send only one person per family, masks and social distancing required. .Thursdays 3-6
Dudley Farm in Guilford: 2351 Durham Road, Opening May 30th, Saturdays, 9:00am to 12:30pm
Coventry Farmers’Market: This year the famous Coventry market will be launching online with a drive through pick-up on June 7th. Check the facebook page for updates and how to order:
Old SaybrookFarmers’ Market: 210 Main Street, Opens June 27th. Wednesday and Saturday from 9 – 12:30 with social distancing, masks and vendors will have plexiglass guards. Hand sanitizing/washing will be available.
New London Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning July 1 at two locations. Check the facebook page for updates:
Waterford, Cancelled for 2020
East Haddam Farmers’ Market (at Ballek’s Garden Center). Starting Saturdays on June 20th, 3 – 6pm, with new guidelines. Find out more here:
Ledyard Farmers’ Market, Wednesdays, 4 – 7pm, opening June 3rd on the Lower Town Green. Find out about Covid restrictions and pre-ordering here: