Our Favorite Gift Books 2015


As far as I’m concerned, one can NEVER have too many books. I went a little crazy at the RJ Julia Member’s Sale AND the Girls’ Night Out at Breakwater Books. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect gift book, here are a few of my favorites this year. Most of these are available through RJ Julia (except My Family Cookbook and Heirloom Harvest). 

When you order through RJ Julia, take 10% off; if you’re a Booklovers Club Member (and you should be) take 20% off with code elistRJ2015.  Valid through 12/24. 


1. Kinfolk Home, Nathan Williams, $35

(Use Code e-listRJ2015 for 10% discount, 20% for Booklovers Club Members)

Kinfolk Magazine’s spare (and hipster) sensibility is well-represented in this decorating tome.

2. My Family Cookbook, SUCK UK, $35 .

Copy all your favorite family recipes, plus notes and pictures, from every generation into this beautiful book for a treasured family heirloom.

3. My Kitchen Year, Ruth Reichl, $35

(Use Code e-listRJ2015 for 10% discount, 20% for Booklovers Club Members)

For those of us who can never get enough of Ruth, you’ll be thrilled with this memoir with recipes.

4. Heirloom Harvest, Amy Goldman, $50.19

A simply stunning book of black and white photos for every gardener you know.

5. Baking 52, Editors of Food52, $22.99

(Use Code e-listRJ2015 for 10% discount, 20% for Booklovers Club Members)

We’re huge fans of the cooking blog, Food 52. Their new baking book is full of super easy and interesting recipes.

6. 100 years of the Best American Short Stories, Lorrie Morre/Heidi Pitlor, $30

(Use Code e-listRJ2015 for 10% discount, 20% for Booklovers Club Members)

For those of us with dwindling attention spans, a short story is just the thing. This collection is by my bedside.

7. LifeStyle, Tricia Foley, $45 

(Use Code e-listRJ2015 for 10% discount, 20% for Booklovers Club Members)

I’ve always loved Tricia Foley’s minimal and mainly white aesthetic and her new book is a feast for the eyes.