Gift Certificates


Stuck on the person who has EVERYTHING? Be environmentally conscious, too, by gifting one of these! 

Buy gift certificates for a show (click the name to go to the site):

Goodspeed Opera House

Ivoryton Playhouse

Legacy Theatre

The Kate

The Garde Arts Center


Give a learning gift certificate: 

A cooking class at Weekend Kitchen

A class at Guilford Art Center from blacksmithing and ceramics to painting and macrame, anyone can get creative here. 

A subscription to Masterclass

Dance classes at Fred Astaire in Old Saybrook

Vacation with an Airbnb gift card: and here’s a great one in Essex


A gift card to their (or your) favorite restaurant!

Look here for some inspiration.


A spa day (or hour) at:

Prive Swiss MedSpa

Saybrook Point Inn

Unlimited Potential, Guilford 

Wild Honey (we love the foot facial)

Vitality Spa, Old Lyme

Sound Healing or Reiki at Wild Wonder in Deep River 

KUR Recovery Spa


A Gym Membership or Personal Training Session: 

Prive Swiss

Iron House

Joint Effort (specializes in over 50)

Saybrook Soul Sweat


Movie Tickets: 

Heated recliners and Mimosas on Sundays at Mystic Cinema


Food! (meal delivery) and Drink:


Food Crate

Wynter’s Whisk

A delivery of fresh oysters from Matunuck Oyster

A lobster and steak dinner party from Thimble Island Lobster Bakes

Better Rhodes, alcohol free beer, wine, mixers and cocktails (perfect for dry January)


A Flower Subscription from:

Mar Floral  

Indigo Blooms

Red Barn


A Museum Membership to:

Florence Griswold

Lyman Allyn

Hill-Stead Museum

New Britain Museum of American Art

Niantic Children’s Museum

Mystic Seaport Museum

Mystic Aquarium



Vacation with an Airbnb gift card: and here’s a great one in Essex