Handmade Hats by Jake

It’s not often you meet a biker dude who makes crocheted hats, but I did last week. My husband is a bit of a biking fanatic (those that know him will say this is an understatement), and he has a group that he rides with on Friday mornings. We had the bunch over for dinner and I met Jake. Jake was wearing a cool striped, crocheted ski hat, and when I found out he MADE it, I almost fell over. I’ve heard of guys who knit, but crochet is something of a lost art. He learned how from his brother’s ex-girlfriend, and after some trial and error, was hooked! Now his hats are in big demand among cyclists and skiers (his other passion) and I think The E List readers will love them, too. At only $38, this handmade cap is a non-itchy acrylic blend and works well for men and women of every age. It’s one very happy hat and I think everyone should buy one (Jake needs a new bike!). Made with love.