Jazzercise and Jane Fonda

Plagued by injuries this year, I’ve been on the hunt for a new delivery method for my daily dose of endorphins. My yoga practice just hasn’t been cutting it for me. I’ve been walking with a friend and pedaling away on my exercise bike, but I’m a girl who needs the espirt de corps of a class. On the spur of the moment, Laura and I (Zumba lovers from way back), decided to give Jazzercise a go. I know, I know…but it’s not what you think. This is super fun, old school, low-impact aerobics set to a current soundtrack (Bruno Mars! Ed Sheeran!), and the lot of us (young, old, and in-between) chassed and step-tapped for a happy forty minutes before turning to light weights, crunches, and floor exercises. We were sweaty and grinning and the hour whizzed by. At $55 for unlimited classes a month, plus lots of class times to choose from, this could be my new thing (daycare, too). It’s too bad my old Jane Fonda-ish thong is long gone, but I am most definitely pulling out the sweatband for this one.
Pricing is month by month, no joining fees. The best deal is $49 a month unlimited classes automatic funds transfer, that can be canceled anytime. Regular price is $55 for a month of unlimited classes and $15 walk in.
Say you saw it on The E List, bring a friend and get two-for-one on a monthly pass through 10/31/17. Old Saybrook and new students only.
We went to Old Saybrook but find Jazzercise in Niantic, Killingworth, and Madison, too. More info here: www.jazzercise.com
Yup, that’s me! Getting better every day!