Keeping Everyone Safe While Preparing Meals, by Chef Keith Urbowicz


The following is a helpful article by Keith Urbowicz; Director of Culinary Operations & Executive Chef who works with clients at Privé-Swiss Wellness

Following a proper routine while cooking in a kitchen can mitigate any risk you may have of spreading unwanted germs to your friends, family, & clients. With the current spread of the Coronavirus there is no time like the present to be sure you’re keeping everyone safe while preparing meals.

First and foremost, it is essential that before you do anything; clean your surfaces. I recommended that you use designated cleaning gloves or disposables while doing this. Wipe all surfaces w/ a diluted bleach solution, alcohol solution ( at least 70%), or any other EPA registered household disinfectant. Use an antibacterial soap for your hands before touching any food. Thoroughly wash your produce so as to clean off any cross contamination from the grocery stores. Use disposable kitchen gloves or tongs to serve the finished product. In general, to reduce the spread of this virus just be diligent in making sure you start all of your preparation with clean hands and surfaces. If you feel a cold or fever coming on it’s best to just stay away from preparing or serving anyone else besides yourself.

I’ve been cooking professionally for over 25 years, hold a ServSafe manager certificate, and believe keeping a clean kitchen is one of, if not the most important foundations to a safe environment. Practice it everyday and a healthy habit will form.
