Links We Need
From virtual workouts to cooking classes, here are a few necessary links to explore.
This Mental Health Toolkit for helping with Coronavirus anxiety
Camp Hazen’s program to help with child care for local families of essential community workers
Ocean House food truck offers lunch for kids in need
Yellow Farmhouse Education Center’s FB Live daily at 11 a.m. for a cooking activity or craft with parents and kids. Facebook: @yellowfarmct
Prive Swiss’ YouTube Channel for Barre, HIIT, Aerobic sculpt, and more
Online Classes from Milk Street
Corona Virus and How To Not Freak Out at Home by Terry Klee
Root Yoga has loaded several classes on their website
Misfits Market is still delivering ugly organic produce
Ava Tyler is holding Zoom yoga classes
Essex Pilates is offering Zoom classes
Sign up for Shoreline CT Yoga’s weekly yoga videos here