Local Online Yoga & Fitness Classes
Given that we’re likely home for at least another month, we might as well get ready for swimsuit weather. And now you can support your favorite teachers and studios or try something new in the comfort of your living room! We’ve rounded up some of our tried and true. Please let us know if you’ve got a good one we’ve missed!
Just announced! Prive Swiss Zoom classes, find them here!
Root Yoga Studio is on Union (i.e. unlike a zoom class, this one is live but the teacher doesn’t see you). Great for those who would rather not expose their homes or bodies! Classes offered: Moderate Yoga, QiGong, Yin Yoga and Back Care.
Erin Schuster, a Kripalu trained instructor of CT Shoreline Yoga is offering up recorded and live classes in yoga for strength & balance, mindful meditation, and gentle yoga for renewal and relaxation. Preregistration is required, click here to preregister.
Allie Duxbury, of Fit Focused, a beloved personal trainer in these parts, is offering her roster of Spin, Bosu, Navy Seal Workout and more on Zoom. Find the schedule here.
Ava Tyler Yoga has a weekly roster of Zoom classes most days, Contact Ava for Zoom ID: ava104@comcast.net Here’s the schedule:
Mondays at noon
Tuesdays at 6pm
Thursdays at 5:30pm
Fridays at 11:30am
Saturdays at 8am
Essex Pilates & Wellness is offering introductory to Advanced Pilates, Barre/Mat fusion and a free Stretch and Breathe class:
Red Barn Yoga is offering up their regular roster of experts, including Emrys, Alison, Grace, Deb & Joanie:
Joint Effort has free classes on their You Tube Channel. This studio for the over 50 set, provides a gentle and guided way to amp up your fitness. I’ve been getting plenty of cardio but my upper body needs some attention! I tried the Low Impact Balance & Functional Strength, which can be done at any level, with or without weights. Great if you’ve been sitting around a little too much. The schedule is below and find the classes on You Tube here.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
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