My Capsule Wardrobe, An Indoor Refresh & The Nut Museum, 11/5/19


Last week we rounded up some tips on how to stay healthy and save your sanity during the upcoming holiday frenzy (in case you missed it, you can find it at the bottom of this list). I’m throwing my hat in that ring this week, with my capsule wardrobe. I love a uniform and not having to overthink about what goes with what! We all know the 80/20 rule (80% of our clothes hang forlornly in our closet, while we regularly trot out just 20%). I’m probably more 90/10 during any given season, but I buy judiciously and wear my clothes to death. I’ve included my go-to’s here. Daylight Savings Time and the move indoors has given rise to a spate of organizing and a tiny bit of redecorating, and I’ve added a few things to my wishlist. You’ll find those on this list, too. And finally, it was a treat to see the Nut Museum recreated at Connecticut College. Read all about it, and a slew of other upcoming events on this list.

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