Reboot Your Resolutions


It’s a month into the new year, and already things feel like they’re fraying around the edges. I’ve got a lot on my plate (Oh! Yes! A new building! A new shop! Renovations! New employees! New systems! New everything—but so much fun!) which is sabotaging my efforts to remain healthy above all. I’m squeezing in my workouts almost daily but clean eating has gone out the window with little time to spend in the kitchen. So I’m refocusing in February and (although the word bugs me) indulging in a little more “self care”. If you’re rethinking a few resolutions too, here are some tips.

30 of the best Health & Fitness podcasts

Hate to exercise? Here’s your answer.

When I sign up for an autorenew subscription, I generally add it to my calendar a month out in case I change my mind and want to cancel. Sometimes I forget and those charges rack up. If you’ve resolved not to spend buckets of money on auto-renewing subscriptions, here’s a possible answer.

Thinking about therapy? You can dip a toe in here.

You’ve read the book and watched the show, but still need some organizational inspiration?

My grandmother swore by hot water with lemon juice.

A little heavy on Gwyneth (it’s her blog, after all), but here are 12 books for a clean mind, body, and spirit.

Everyone needs one (or two) of these.

Make something. 

Read more (and find books recommendations here).

Learn something new in bite-sized lessons.

Give this diet two weeks:

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