Root Yoga Studio, Old Lyme

This business has now moved to: 6 Main St. Bldg 3, Suite 315, Centerbrook, CT
Full disclosure. Mimi Brainard, owner of the new Root Yoga Studio is a very dear friend (could it be 15 years?) and a lifelong yoga practitioner. I mean, waaaay before it was a trendy exercise phenomenon. When I moved here, there were only a couple of spots to roll out your mat between New Haven and New London. My, how things have changed! Now most towns boast several studios offering up everything from Acroyoga to Bikram. What sets Root apart? This is old school vinyasa yoga, with an emphasis on correct alignment and the breath (which any yogi will tell you is what yoga is all about). It’s a contemplative and intimate space: polished wide plank floor boards, soothing candles, an altar and not much more (but where did you get those stunning John Robshaw curtains in the dressing room, Meem?). Mimi’s determination to seek out the most experienced teachers on the Shoreline has paid off. She’s lured Patrick McGannon from XO (his Monday night class is a powerful energy boost), Anne Konstantino teaches warm (not hot) Baptiste, Grace Osora-Erhart is known for her restorative classes and leads a grounding Kripalu flow. Kim Abraham is considered one of the best Ashtanga instructors on the Shoreline and offers it here, plus Ashtanga Basics, if you’d like to add the oldest style of yoga to your practice. Mimi teaches Kula, an inventive Vinyasa created by the founder of the renowned Wanderlust Yoga festivals. If you’re a Yoga newbie, head to Mimi’s 45-minute Community Class at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to get a taste of this sweet, new studio. Also on offer, organic cotton yoga duds from Hyde in Brooklyn. For more information and the class schedule:

tags: yoga, studio, old lyme, root yoga studio