Sakara, An Organic Meal Delivery
Sakara, an organic, nutritionally-designed meal delivery program, has been on my radar since I wrote the list about food deliveries last winter (if you missed that one, find it here), but it wasn’t available yet in Connecticut. They’re launching here on October 17th, and I’ve snagged a 15% discount for The E List readers. The promise of a month of healing, plant-based, gluten free meals plus weekly coaching sounds intriguing…and best of all, the fare arrives already prepared, no cooking required! If you’re considering a month of healthful eating before the onslaught of the Thanksgiving and holiday parties, this could be your answer. I’m going to give it a go!
The program launches in Connecticut on 10/17/16. To receive 15% off on your plan use code: ref_heatherlove15