Sweater Weather

Hankering for a fall update now that the weather is turning? We all have enough black, gray, and beige sweaters in our closets, so I shopped our local boutiques for some colorful inspiration. What looks good to me this season? Intarsias, Fair Isles, cables, and stripes. Here’s what I found.
Slate, Madison
American Vintage is a French line (despite the name) that I discovered in Paris, but I was excited to find it here at Slate. The silhouettes are updated classics and color is the highlight. This lilac, slightly oversized cardigan in a fuzzy wool blend goes well with denim, navy,and all shades of gray. $175. slatemadison.com

The RiverLane, Essex and Mystic
This striped lady cardigan at RiverLane in Essex is at an incredible price, only $59.25. An easy piece to dress up with black trousers and down with jeans. theriverlane.com

Cortland Park, Essex
Cortland Park is known for the high-quality cashmere that they design and manufacture. This classic oversized cable cardigan in a heavy ply will last a lifetime, and the off-white will go with absolutely everything. $580 cortlandparkcashmere.com

J. Mclaughlin, Madison and Essex
Everyone needs a few layering turtlenecks and this ribbed version from J. Mclaughlin comes in a slew of fall colors (burgundy and brown feel fresh this season). Stock up at $158. jmclaughlin.com/

Ella Where She Shops, Guilford
Bright colors are making a statement this season, but if you’re not quite ready for shocking pink or lime green, try this muted rainbow crew neck with your wide-leg jeans. $114. ellawheresheshops.com

Swish, Guilford
I always love a classic Fair Isle, but this exploded version by Velvet is a happy addition to your fall wardrobe. Alpaca blend, $269. instagram.com/swish_guilford/

Mahi Gold at Saybrook Home, Old Saybrook
Mahi Gold (the clothing shop at Saybrook Home) just added The Great to their inventory of cool brands (Frank & Eileen, Xirena, and Jumper, to name a few), and I loved this hand-knit Intarsia cardigan. 50% Alpaca, 45% Drytex, 5% Wool. $395. mahigold.com/pages/stores