

Here’s what I do when I need to clear my head: organize. Oh, and read blogs about organizing and minimalism. I used to buy books on the topic, too, but then it occurred to me that my time was better spent actually organizing then reading about it. The result is that my house is somewhat in order, i.e. I can generally find things that I’m looking for. It’s not insta-perfect and it doesn’t look much like the pretty pictures in the blogs, but I’ve cleared the clutter. Give me 15 minutes and I’ll empty the junk drawer. In an hour I can weed through my closet. A few hours and the pantry is spic and span. It’s a weird hobby, I know, but so satisfying to put a little corner of the house to rights. So, if you’ve resolved to get organized in 2018, here are some tips, tricks, and inspiration.

The Organized Home

I broke my rule about NOT purchasing organizing books when Remodelista got into the game. One of my go-to decor blogs just published this genius tome in time for the holidays and I gave it to myself. The book, The Organized Home, is lovely to look at, and packed with smart solutions for every dilemma. If you need a little inspiration in this department (or know someone who does), it’s a worthwhile investment.

Plastic Tubs: Just Say No

Here’s a good rule: My other organizing rule is never to buy any of those big plastic lidded tubs. Because here’s what happens. Once it goes in the tub, it never comes out. When I feel an itch for a tub (typically at Target, when you head over for a dozen rolls of toilet paper and come home $200 poorer), I empty an existing one in the basement. Usually, it’s filled with mom jeans (Wait! Back in style!) and items that no longer fit (hopeful!). Then I refill it with the current versions of those castaways. No more. These days my castaways are cast away at Goodwill, or the bin at the dump which apparently you’re not supposed to use as they then sell the contents; they don’t go directly to anyone who needs them. Either way, the stuff gets out of the house. Which is the point.

That hasn’t stopped me from buying smaller organizers (like these pretty wire baskets, yes, from Target) that solved the problem of stacks of blankets and pillows on the floor of the linen closet. Worth it.

Okay, I broke one more rule recently.  I like to keep any backstock of anything (shoes, medications, diaries) in clear plastic boxes. That’s so I know exactly what I have at a glance. At a trip to Ikea recently (another thing I like to do to clear my head) , I discovered their new line of Kuggis boxes, made from recycled materials. So, yes, they are white and opaque, but so smart! They stack beautifully and there is even an insert for the largest size to stash all sorts of smallish things you don’t have a place for (I’m thinking various wires and cords would be a good use). For me, it’s the perfect answer for the Insane Insidewalk Sale, as the handles will make it easy to tote all the supplies, and the insert will hold all the necessities (pens, notes, tape, hammer, Advil) that we’ll need to see us through the insanity. Plus, these boxes LOOK so much better than clear plastic.  So if you need to see your organizational strategy (i.e. it’s not hidden behind doors), these could be your answer. You can always label them. And yes, I have one of those Brother labelers. They’re so fun.


ikea boxes

Kuggis boxes at Ikea  14 ½x21 ¼ x 8 ¼” $14.99

Small Kuggis Boxes  10 ¼ x 13 ¾ x 6 ” $6.99

Kuggis Insert  $6.99


A few favorite organizing blogs for inspiration:

Be More With Less – Digital Declutter

I Heart Organizing

The Home Edit

Organized Home

A Bowl Full of Lemons



*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase from one of the links, I’ll receive a very small amount of money. That said, all opinions are my own.

You may also like this article on organizing:  Okay, Let’s Talk About Marie Kondo