Sweet Corn and Sugar Plums
Here’s what I love most about summer: raw food! You don’t have to cook or set foot in a supermarket and you can eat marvelously. I like to see how long I can go without a depressing schlep to the Big Y. A weekly run to Coffee’s Country Market (we Lymies call it Laysville) for milk, a few containers of their outrageous walnut/basil pesto (freeze ’em), and a string of Orsini hot sausage, keeps the larder full. Our fall-back dinner is pictured here, fresh from the farmer’s market and barely fooled with. Spicy and sweet organic salad greens from White Gate Farm are so flavorful, dressing is unnecessary; a plate of tomatoes, some sweet corn. I can’t resist a few containers of Scott’s sugar plums and, yes, that’s me spitting the pits out the car window on the drive home.