Pough Interiors


Some people find knitting relaxing, others are addicted to Words with Friends, but these pursuits leave me edgy, itching to finish whatever it is I’ve started. For me, my favorite lazy distraction is lounging on my cozy couch in front of the fire with a stack of decorating books, and marveling at how others live. Not that I act on the decorating impulse; in my case it’s more like snooping. No matter, when I need a fix, the best spot for a massive selection of design books is Pough Interiors in Essex. If you’re in the market for the latest coffee table tomes to keep or gift, find The World of Muriel Brandolini, Jeffrey Alan Marks’ The Meaning of Home, Victoria Hagen Interior Portraits and piles more, here. Browsing encouraged.  www.poughinteriors.com